Friday, August 17, 2012

I've been experimenting with Photoshop lately...

I've had a lot of time on my hands recently, so I've decided to start filling my days with junk like this.
All glory be to for giving me awesome tips and ideas!
Here's the beginning of what I hope to be an awesome adventure.
Sorry (to anyone who cares) for not posting. Life happens. I'm gonna make more empty promises about posting more and keeping the momentum going so yaaaaaaaaayyy...

And then this happened...

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Lately I've been playing with this thing called wordfoto on my iPhone. It's actually a neat-o handy little app that allows you to place text on your photo. It adds a texture and it's overall super cool for no reason.
Here are just a couple examples of what I've done with wordfoto.

Ps: I'm sorry I haven't posted, to those of you who care. Life kinda happened and I forgot about my poor blog. More to come soon, I hope...

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Today was the bestest. I'll take you through my day. (edited with Instagram)

But because I'm on the blogger app on my phone... I'm gonna be lazy and not do this through my computer.
Because I'm tired and it's been a long day. :P

Monday, April 16, 2012

Okay okay okay...

So I know it's been FOREVER, but I've been super busy with school. BUT!!! Tomorrow I'll be in Santa Barbra so I should be posting like crazy. All up on this. Whoot whoot.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Final Cut! :D

By nobody's fault but my own, I have seriously put off editing and posting. 
But remember, I've been really busy lately. What with the rain... And... The... Uh... Sleeping?
Yeah. Let's go with that. 
Sounds legit.

Things may be thin soon because the semester is starting and I will prolly be reallyyyyyyyyyy caught up in pretending I can function as a normal student.
Versus the end of the semester... When all I show up with will be one pen and a legal pad.
Cause I'm a pimp like that.
And big pimps don't cry.


Side note: I just finished listening to "Too Much Booty In The Pants" by 2 Live Crew... all I wanna do now is wiggle. 

Monday, February 13, 2012

Here's the beginning...

I'll be posting photos from the mysterious photo shoot by style of dress and makeup. It just makes my life easier... Because I'm lazy in a really proactive kind of way.

This is from the "Shelly Shoot" that happened last week. My lovely model just so happened to have the time and desire to help me out. And I owe her pizza and alcohol for that.

Here goes. 

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Here's a little uncut teaser of the photo shoot.
This isn't the best, but I find it the grittiest. 



I'm working on a new post (if anyone is interested in knowing this) so new work will be up soon. I don't know how soon because editing take a looooooong time sometimes. 
It'll happen. 

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Sunset in The Car


...just wanted to say that.
These are all photos I took while riding in the back seat of a car in traffic.
Despite the stunning colors from the sky, my life was in peril because the driver is a maniac. (sorry Phill!!!) 
But hey, I didn't die AND I got some interesting shots...
A good day, by my standards. 

Some edited with Instagram. All were taken on my iPhone. :D

Boredom Ensues at Guitar Center

I once went to guitar center for spooky reasons. It then turned into a boring venture into see about subs and amps and other musician-y stuffs... So naturally, I was bored out of my god-given mind.
To kill time, I took a couple pictures.
This is the only one to make the cut.
Sorry, Guitar Center.
Your lighting really sucks.

***taken with a fisheye lens on my iPhone.
(pretty neat, eh?)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Love and Coffee

In honor of February... And Starbutts. 
Taken on my iPhone with a starburst lens. 

Bubblegum Pop

Edited with color effects and diptic. It's a repost of a repost. 

****I don't own this, I found it online and manipulated it. 


I tend to be fond of iPhone photography. Just because it's fast and dirty. You get a lot of grain (or, in this case, pixels) but you get it done pretty quickly. 
Now because I have awesome friends, I have more lenses for my iPhone than my actual cameras.
So, you'll be seeing a lot from my phone and my DSLR.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Random Coffee Adventures...

So, basically, what happened last semester was that I had to save my sorry butt. I was running behind on projects, skipping some, not doing others. SO! I had the brilliant idea to do a project in replace of a project I really didn't care to do...

The fruit of my loins, if you will.

***the photo of the logo in the reflection of the phone was taken by a friend of mine. I just refined it. I don't necessarily own it. Sorry Phill!!! :(