Friday, August 17, 2012

I've been experimenting with Photoshop lately...

I've had a lot of time on my hands recently, so I've decided to start filling my days with junk like this.
All glory be to for giving me awesome tips and ideas!
Here's the beginning of what I hope to be an awesome adventure.
Sorry (to anyone who cares) for not posting. Life happens. I'm gonna make more empty promises about posting more and keeping the momentum going so yaaaaaaaaayyy...

And then this happened...

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Lately I've been playing with this thing called wordfoto on my iPhone. It's actually a neat-o handy little app that allows you to place text on your photo. It adds a texture and it's overall super cool for no reason.
Here are just a couple examples of what I've done with wordfoto.

Ps: I'm sorry I haven't posted, to those of you who care. Life kinda happened and I forgot about my poor blog. More to come soon, I hope...